We are supporting Noise Action Week this week. Environmental Protection UK coordinates the event, and they highlight it as an opportunity to raise awareness of the impact of noise on health and well being. We are happy to support the cause, having seen first-hand the benefits of noise and odour impact assessments.
We have all been bothered by noise on occasion. Can you remember a time at home, work or socially? You probably agree that it’s not fun at the best of times. Those suffering from chronic exposure can find the health effects significant.
Many of our clients are involved in planning. Developers, architects and those involved in planning or expanding existing premises often approach us for odour impact assessments. In fact, we are seeing a significant uplift as a result of increasingly stringent demands from planning authorities. We notice that the trend applies to noise impact assessments too.
You will find it of benefit to be on top of potential noise and odour impacts early on. We’re going to point out several reasons why this is the case. Firstly, you can make sure you don’t negatively affect your local community. It’s better from a corporate responsibility perspective, and you are less likely to face complaints later. Next, you will have the chance to revise your plans if there’s an issue, which is a whole lot easier and cheaper than having to rectify problems once your building is standing. Finally, it’s more likely you will receive planning permission. The best way to make sure you’re on top of things is to conduct noise and odour impact assessments.
With this in mind, where do you head next for support with noise or odour issues? You probably spotted the clue in the name, but we don’t offer noise services at Silsoe Odours (although we do boast a cracking range of odour services). However, we recommend RSK’s acoustic services. We have partnered with RSK for several years across many projects. We can highly recommend them for their specialism, expertise and professionalism. In the meantime, if you would like to chat with our team about odour, call 01525 860222. Alternatively, reach us using the button below.
Updated 15th April 2021