As we enter 2021, once again the world has become much smaller for many of us. Faced with Lockdown 3.0, we would like to remind you of some alternative strategies for odour management during this time. We have created several practical ‘top tips’, which you may find helpful during this time of national lockdown. You can make use of these tips whilst working from home, or indeed on site if you are in a key industry but lacking access to your usual odour analysis facilities.
Clearly, your approach to odour management at the moment will differ, depending on the state of play at your company. The good news is that you will probably have clarity on that much sooner this time around, given that we have all been here before. So, if you belong to a key industry (such as utilities or food production), things may well be business as usual in many respects. However, for many, you may find your usual daily activities vastly changed, and your employees now working from home. With this in mind, we deal with each situation separately.
Stick to your Odour Management Plan
If you work in a key industry, your day job may remain largely unchanged. Notwithstanding additional worry and, most probably, heightened levels of demand. If you are already following best practice, you should have an odour management plan in place. This lays down procedures for monitoring and assessing your odour emissions. The plan should include regular equipment checks, odour monitoring using sniff surveys and regular odour risk assessments. Assuming your current operating capacity allows, you should ensure your team sticks to these practices. You could very well save a great deal of time and effort later should an odour problem arise.
Or create a new one!
Of course, if you don’t yet have an odour management plan in place, you need one. If you have staff restricted to working from home, now is a great time to really focus on putting this together. At Silsoe Odours, we can help you think about what this would look like. Just give us a call on 01525 860222 if you need some support.
Engage with the Community
When odour affects people in their homes, it can become contentious quickly. This is where you will usually begin to see complaints. Naturally, most of us are currently spending a lot more time in our homes. Once cabin fever sets in (and we suspect it won’t take long this time), little niggles can become bigger in our minds. For Lockdown 3.0, it is absolutely freezing outside, which may work in your favour. However, it is still possible that complaints will multiply in a way we don’t usually expect at this time of year. You will find that if you proactively engage with the local community early on, they will usually be more understanding should issues arise. Explain what you are doing to limit your odour impact. Provide contact information for a key person to listen to concerns – perhaps a staff member confined to home working. React, respond and communicate what you have done about these concerns where you can. And finally, keep a record of everything you do. Courts and regulators look favourably on companies who can demonstrate positive action.
If you are working from home, you probably fall into one of two categories. Firstly, you may work for a key industry but are self-isolating or are not needed on site. Or secondly, you may work in an industry where the government has asked for your doors to close.
If you fall in the first category, look at the tips above. In addition, there are several alternative strategies for odour management you can help with. First, nominate yourself as a key contact for the community. If necessary, listen to their concerns and be proactive about telling people the positive steps your company is taking to minimise odour emissions. Second, create or review your site’s odour management plan. If one already exists, look at where you can make improvements. And consider how you can future-proof your site’s odour monitoring, perhaps by organising some odour sensitivity tests for key members of your team when lockdown lifts.
If you fall in the second category, here are some more tips you may find useful…
Developers and planners
The reality is that planning applications will take a lot longer to move through the system than usual. Setting aside the frustrations you undoubtedly feel around this; you can take positive steps. We know from experience that the paperwork details often cause delays. Take this time to check your house is in order and that you have all the specifics you need. Do not neglect your odour and noise reports. You will need them. Review what you need to do to put this together. Speak to our team if you are not sure – we are still available on 01525 860222. You can take all the steps needed to plan the next steps in your application. So, when the government lifts restrictions, you will be in a great position to move quickly and efficiently.
Commercial kitchens and restaurants
We know this is a massively difficult time for all involved in this industry, and our thoughts go out to all of you. For those who like to fill your time, now is a good chance to review your odour mitigation procedures. Specifically, you can take a close look at your odour abatement equipment. Think about whether it is effective for your current operation and whether it will stand the test of time. If you would like advice on any potential changes you need to make, please give us a call on 01525 860222.
We understand that odour management may not be at the top of your priority list at the moment. However, we hope that you will find these alternative strategies useful. If you need more detailed support specific to your needs, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We are still working, and you can reach us on our usual telephone number – 01525 860222.
Finally, keep well and stay safe. We hope to see you all very soon.
If you would like to take a look at some official guidance relating to odour, here are a few good starting points:
European Standard BSEN13725:2022
You’ll need to purchase this one at the BSI shop.
Institute of Air Quality Management
Guidance on the assessment of odour for planning
Environment Agency
Additional guidance for H4 Odour Management – how to comply with your environmental permit
Article updated 5th May 2021.