We are now a few weeks in to our ‘new normal’ way of working at Silsoe Odours following the Covid-19 upheaval. So, we think it’s about time we show you our new-look odour laboratory and tell you what we’ve been up to. Many of you will have visited us in the past so will immediately spot the major differences!
Most noticeably and as you can see in the photos, we’ve added screens! We worked with a local company to design and install Covid-compliant screens to separate our wonderful sniffers from each other. They are 2 meters high and extend far enough behind each sniffer that they cannot talk ‘around’ the screens.
At Silsoe Odours, we believe the mental health of our staff is just as important as their physical health, especially in these unprecedented times. With this in mind, we designed the new lab ‘pods’ with bespoke windows to ensure there is still lots of natural light. It also means that sniffers can continue to communicate easily between samples, whilst working safely side-by-side.
Secondly, we updated the air conditioning system. Air conditioning is essential for keeping the odour laboratory temperature stable. This is an important feature of our odour analysis work and a requirement of our UKAS accreditation. We have removed the re-circulation system and installed an UVC air purifier. This kills bacteria and viruses using a UV light. The air coming into the lab also goes through a carbon filter which ensures it is clean.
As you would expect, we’ve also installed hand sanitising stations throughout the premises. These are located both at the door of the building and the internal laboratory. Sniffers must now enter and exit one at a time, and must adhere to 2 meter social distancing while moving through the building. In addition we have introduced a ‘no sharing’ rule and provided individual equipment where needed. After each laboratory session, we conduct a deep clean. This ensures there cannot be any cross-contamination between sessions.
Our odour lab is fully operational and Covid-19 compliant. This means we can support you with all your odour testing and analysis activities in the normal way. We are also able to welcome you back in to the lab for your odour sensitivity testing. You’ll find there are only a few minor changes, such as waiting outside until your time slot.
In addition, our on-site teams are operating at their usual capacity. So if you need support with odour sampling or sniff surveys, we are able to help.
What’s more, we continue to provide telephone and digital support for those of you still restricted to working from home. Now is the time to work on your odour planning activities!
Our highest priority at Silsoe Odours is to deliver the best odour services while protecting the health of both our staff and clients. In such unusual times, it’s now even more important that we ensure we are meeting your expectations of both service and safety. As always, we welcome your experience and insights about the service you’ve received from our team. If you’d like to share your feedback with us, please do so here.
If you’d like to start things moving again with your odour assessment and testing activities, please just give us a call. You can reach us on 01525 860222 or click below to get in touch.