Robert Sneath is a renowned odour expert, well known for his extensive experience in the field of odour research and measurement. Robert founded Silsoe Odours in 2005. Under his leadership, it was the first odour laboratory to gain accreditation by UKAS to ISO17025 as a testing laboratory for the measurement of odour concentration following BSEN13725.
Robert has been a UK member of the EU CEN working group TC264 WG2 “Odours” since 1995. The workgroup developed the European CEN odour measurement standard, BSEN13725:2003.

He is also currently the UK representative for the CEN working group TC 264 WG2, which is now revising, updating and extending the standard following 15 years of successful implementation.
During his career, Robert has overseen various research projects, including development of odour monitoring instrumentation and IPPC projects for the Environment Agency. He was previously Head of the Odour Laboratory and Senior Research Scientist in the Environment Group at the Silsoe Research Institute, which had an international reputation for its research. He worked on many DEFRA-funded projects on odour and emission control from agricultural wastes.
Robert has been a member of numerous scientific committees, including: NOSE 2016, AIDIC, 5th International Conference on Environmental Odour Monitoring & Control, 5th IWA Odour and Air Emissions Conference 2013 and 4th IWA Conference on Odours and VOCs 2011.
He also acted as a Tutor in the Environment Agency EA T515 Advanced Biowaste Courses (2013-6), T104 Odour Training for Regulation Courses (2012-6) and 2908 Odour & Bioaerosol Assessment Course (2013).
Robert is author or co-author of many scientific papers published in peer review journals or in international conference proceedings and reports.
Selected Publications
1. VERA BARBOSA; PHIL HOBBS; ROBERT SNEATH; JOANNA BURGESS; ET AL, Investigating the Capacity of an Activated Sludge Process to Reduce Volatile …Water Environment Research; Aug 2006; 78, 8; ProQuest Science Journals pg. 842
2. A.TAMER VESTLUND*, G.H.DREW*, B.JEHLICKOVA*, P.OLSEN**, R.SNEATH°, S.TYRREL*, P.J. LONGHURST*, G.JORDINSON°° AND S.J.T. POLLARD, (2007) Comparison of odour and bioaerosol emissions and dispersion from three composting sites in Scotland, In press
3. O. PAHL, A.G. WILLIAMS, R.W. SNEATH (2002) Reduction Of Ammonia and Odour Emissions From Pig Slurry Under Slats Using Oil And Foam Layers. Environmental Technology Vol. 23. Pp395-403
4. SNEATH, R.W. European Odour Concentration Measurements by Dilution Olfactometry. Invited presentation at ECRO2002, Erlangen, Nurenburg, Germany. 23-27 July 2002
5. Robertson, Hoxey, Demmers, Welch, Sneath, Stacey, Fothergill, Filmer, Fisher; Commercial-scale studies of the effect of broiler-protein intake on aerial pollutant emissions. Biosystems Engineering (2002) 82 (2) 217-225
6. Sneath. R.W. & Persaud. K.C. Chapter 15 Correlating electronic nose and sensory panel data. In “Handbook of Machine Olfaction”. Eds Pearce, Schiffman, Nagle, Gardner. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA, Boschstrase 12, 69469 Weinheim, Germany. WILEY-VCH, 377-397
7. SNEATH, R. W. (2003) Quality control of olfactometry at SRI and in Europe. International Workshop on Odour Measurement, Beppu City, Oita, Japan, 23-24 June 2003, 6pp
8. BURTON,. C. H. SNEATH, R. W. (2001) Measurement and Control of offensive odours. In 5o Curso de Ingenieria Ambiental, Aplicacion agricola de residos organicos Jaue Boixadera & M. Rosa Teira (eds.) Lleida, Spain, 23-24-25 de Abril de 2001. 189-194
9. SNEATH, R. W. (2001). Chapter 7 `Olfactometry and the CEN standard, prEN 13725`, pp 130-154 in “Odours in Wastewater Treatment: Measurement, Modelling and Control”. Eds. R Stuetz and F. Frechen. IWA.Publishing, Alliance House, 12 Caxton Street, London SW1H 0QS, UK.
10. SNEATH, R. W., CLARKSON, C. (2000) Odour measurement, a standard for a code of practice. Water Science and Technology 41 (6), 23-31
11. SNEATH, R. W. (2000) Olfactometry and the CEN standard. Proceedings of 1st International Meeting on Odour Measurement and Modelling, 31st May 2000 Ed. R. Stuetz, Cranfield University, Cranfield, UK.
12. SNEATH, R. W., CLARKSON, C. (2000) A standard that ensures repeatable odour measurements. Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Air pollution from agricultural operations, Des Moines, Iowa, 9-11 October 2000
13. PAHL. O., WILLIAMS, A. G., SNEATH, R.W., GOODMAN, J., TAYLOR, L. GODWIN, R. J., HANN, M. J. (2000) Reducing Ammonia emissions from pig production – Experiences with oil and foam as a cover material for slurry under slats. Air pollution from agricultural operations, Presented at the 2nd International Conference on Air pollution from agricultural operations, Des Moines, Iowa, 9-11 October 2000
14. PHILLIPS, V. R. , HOLDEN, M. R. , WHITE, R. P. , SNEATH, R. W. , DEMMERS, T. G. M. , WATHES, C. M. Measuring and reducing gaseous and particulate air pollution from UK livestock buildings (1995) 7th International Symposium on Agricultural and Food Processing Wastes, Chicago, 18-20 June 1995. Proceedings of the 7th Symposium 241-251
15. AMON, M. , DOBEIC, M. , SNEATH, R. W. , PHILLIPS, V. R. , MISSELBROOK, T. H. , PAIN, B. F. A farm-scale study on the use of clinoptilolite zeolite and De-Odorase(R) for reducing odour and ammonia emissions from broiler houses (1997) Bioresource Technology 61 229-237
16. WATHES, C. M. , HOLDEN, M. R. , SNEATH, R. W. , WHITE, R. P. , PHILLIPS, V. R. Concentrations and emission rates of aerial ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, carbon dioxide, dust and endotoxins in UK broiler and layer houses (1997) British Poultry Science 38 14-28
17. CHADWICK, D. R. , SNEATH, R. W. , PAIN, B. F. , PHILLIPS, V. R. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from UK agricultural livestock (1999) Proceedings of the Eigth International Conference of the FAO European Cooperative Research Network on Recycling of Agricultural, Municipal and Industrial Residues in Agriculture, Rennes, France, 26-29 May 1998 279-292
18. PHILLIPS, V. R. , SNEATH, R. W. , WILLIAMS, A. G. , WELCH, S. K. , BURGESS, L. R. , DEMMERS, T. G. M. et al. Measuring emission rates of ammonia, methane and nitrous oxide from full-sized slurry and manure stores (1997) Proceedings of the international sympsium “Ammonia and odour control from animal production facilities”, Vinkeloord, The Netherlands, 6-10 October 1997 197-208
19. HILLIPS, V. R. , HOLDEN, M. R. , SNEATH, R. W. , SHORT, J. L. , WHITE, R. P. , WATHES, C. M. and others Concentrations and emissions of airborne endotoxins and microorganisms in livestock buildings in Northern Europe (1998) Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 70 (1) 97-109
20. PHILLIPS, V. R. , HOLDEN, M. R. , SNEATH, R. W. , SHORT, J. L. , WHITE, R. P. , WATHES, C. M. and others Concentrations and emissions of ammonia in livestock buildings in Northern Europe (1998) Journal of Agricultural Engineering Research 70 (1) 79-95